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Quantidade de carvão para narguilé: Dicas para a melhor sessão de fumo

When you first try hookah, are you still worried about Quantos carvões para narguilé? Don’t be nervous. This step is easier than you think. Read our blog for all the answers you need to know.

What factors determine how many coals you need for a hookah session?


Add 1 extra coal for every 1-2 more people smoking. More smokers means more pulls on the hookah, so you need more coals to keep the tobacco hot.

Do you like hotter or cooler smoke? Use fewer coals for milder smoke and more coals to turn up the heat. Start low and add more until it feels right.

The tobacco type matters too. Drier tobacco like tangiers needs more heat from extra coals. Wetter shisha like al-fakher may need fewer.


What factors determine how many coals you need for a hookah session?
Quantos carvões para narguilé

Does the number of coals used affect the flavor or intensity of the hookah smoke?

One super common newbie mistake is using too few coals. Not enough heat means the shisha won’t burn properly, giving weak, sad puffs with barely any flavor. Premium tobaccos need high heat to really shine with their complex flavors. Too little heat makes them smolder instead of burning right, giving lackluster smoke.

But too many hot coals can mess up your session too! You’ll get harsh, overpowering smoke that burns your throat with each drag. So it is not smooth and enjoyable. The tobacco gets scorched fast, leaving a nasty burnt taste that’ll make you cringe. Huge volumes of thick smoke can also be pretty overwhelming and give you a headache or make you feel nauseous. No fun!

Different charcoal types also burn differently, altering the taste and smoke levels. We’ll chat about the various charcoal options next!

Quantos carvões para narguilé

Quais são os diferentes tipos de carvão para narguilé?

Quick light coals are very popular with beginners because they ignite quickly due to the presence of chemicals for quick convenience. Its disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, it may produce odors, uneven burning, and overheating.

These all-natural lump charcoal are made from pure hardwood, It gives cleaner and longer burn, allowing the tobacco’s tasty notes to shine through beautifully. You experience smooth and flavorful draws. The only drawback of natural charcoal is that it takes more time and effort to light up than quick lights. But for hookah aficionados who care about quality, it’s worth the extra prep!

Coconut charcoal compressed from coconut husks however remains my favorite choice. That’s because it leaves no residue behind upon burning hence ensuring an uninterrupted smoking experience in which smoke moves smoothly. And there’s no strange chemical taste – just pure nature’s bliss. In addition to this density, coconuts also make them stay burning long enough while hanging out with friends leisurely on a weekend afternoon.

Quantos carvões para narguilé

How long do hookah coals usually last?

Quick light coals ignite fast thanks to chemicals but don’t last very long, unfortunately. These treated briquettes tend to burn out after only 30-45 minutes. It’s not ideal when you gotta keep swapping coals to maintain heat and smoke! While quick lights are convenient for casual smoking, they fall short on burn time for long sessions.

However, in terms of burn time, coconut charcoal takes the crown! First-class coconut coals will last more than 2 hours due to their dense and slow-burning properties. Moreover, even if you have a marathon lasting an hour, you will not need to relight if you are using coconut charcoal. Therefore they are perfect for hanging out with friends or enjoying longer smoking sessions alone.

What factors determine how many coals you need for a hookah session?

I understand that quick light coals may be handy for newbies, but if you really care about flavor and smoothness then go for natural or coconut charcoal. Believe me; the extra time taken is worthwhile for a gratifying smoking sesh!

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