
Understanding Trichomes: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

When we use a cannabis grinder, Have you ever wondered if using a grinder destroys those precious trichomes in your bud? Any cannabis enthusiast needs to learn more about how not to destroy weed trichomes. Please read our blog carefully below, we will list more methods for you!

What are these trichomes?

When you look closely at a cannabis bud, have you ever noticed those small mushroom-shaped projections on them? They’re called trichomes—and they make weed special!

To put it in other words, trichomes are specialized glandular hairs that are produced by marijuana plants to synthesize, store, and protect cannabinoids as well as terpenes for use. These rounded outgrowths of microscopic dimensions hold the highest levels of THC, CBD, and other ingredients that give you more flavor when you smoke cannabis.

How should cannabis be ground to preserve trichomes?

Why do trichomes contain most of the THC in cannabis?

It is through a strong stem that one can notice the globular head or resin gland. Inside this “head” are secretory cells, which synthesize THC and CBD cannabinoids as well as terpenoids that make Cannabis sativa smell in an unusual way. This tube-like stalk serves as a conduit for these compounds to get to the gland where they aggregate into an aromatic sticky substance. Trichomes make up just 1% of plant biomass but can contain up to 60% of total cannabinoids in it.

Does Grinding Weed Destroy Trichomes

does grinding weed destroy trichomes

As a cannabis lover, I know what you are worried about, does grinding weed destroy trichomes? Yes, indeed these resinous trichomes are very fragile. These mushroom-like glandular hairs have the adhesive cannabinoids such as THC and CBD that are sticky and viscous, besides some aromatic terpenes that give us a unique smoking experience. However, the structure of these trichomes is very easy to be damaged by harsh physical handling or excessive shaking, resulting in the loss of the substances contained in them. Therefore, it is easy to understand why cannabis users are eager to protect the trichomes from damage when handling.

Nevertheless, there is some positive news on this front too. Nonetheless, When we select a top quality metallic grinder, it becomes possible to grind cannabis into small bits that are smokeable which ensures one retains most of those precious trichomes. The best grinders on the market are mostly multipiece type with very fine mesh screens allowing trichomes to easily fall off and collect in the catch chamber so as not to be affected much by grinding process. These high-quality multi-piece grinder types have finely woven screens for gently releasing trichomes into collection area where they are protected from excess forces when being ground up.

does grinding weed destroy trichomes

Instead, we gently break the flower apart with our hands using methods like pinching or careful cutting with a pair of scissors. Doing this allows the trichomes to naturally come off or drop without being exposed to physical stress such as through grinding. In addition, chilling material in a freezer before performing an extraction or subjecting it dry ice during screening can also make the resinous structures more brittle thus increasing their chances of detaching from their bases during screening if one wants maximum trichome yield.

How should cannabis be ground to preserve trichomes?

Conventional thinking of “the finer the grind, the better” cannot apply here. When we go for this rough grinding method, it means that many trichomes will break off in the process and that calls for a different approach to handling marijuana.

In this case, I think there is no substitute for handwork when it comes to getting trichomes from cannabis buds. When these flowers are carefully pinched or snipped into smaller parts, it causes the resinous glands to naturally detach themselves without undue strain on them.

If you want to increase your trichomes harvest then consider chilling or freezing the buds before extracting its content. The low temperature makes these trichomes more brittle than usual so they can easily fall off during sifting.

How should cannabis be ground to preserve trichomes?

You can use some simple and convenient tools. Grooved grinder cards work gently through herb while old-fashioned mortar and pestles allow one to totally regulate how fine the grind is. But I won’t lie – it takes longer and requires more patience if done by hand.

So, a lot of people still go for grinders but prior to that, I would advise that you go for metal grinders of high quality while avoiding those made with plastic parts that could release toxic substances. Some metallic grinders are designed with more compartments and several metal mesh screens to ensure the effective separation of trichomes from cannabis powder.


Does Grinding Weed Destroy Trichomes

Check out the picture below. This is what we get in cannabis powder, That’s what you want. Just follow these simple tips and you’ll be collecting perfect kief to take your high to the next level.