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How To Cure Hookah Sickness

Have you ever smoked a hookah and then felt lightheaded, nauseated, or even like you wanted to throw up? “Hookah Sickness” is the aggregate term for these symptoms. Nobody would want to go through it again, I venture!

Lead poisoning is the primary cause of hookah illness. Does that sound familiar? Yes, the burning of hookah coals releases carbon monoxide, which is the cause. Oxygen deprivation results from this colorless, odorless gas attaching itself to hemoglobin in the blood to replace oxygen. Chest pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and other poisoning symptoms are also brought on by this.

That means you’re not alone if you like smoking hookah but detest the symptoms of poisoning! We are in agreement. We will thus discuss how to manage and prevent hookah illness in this blog, allowing you to continue enjoying hookah without having to worry about any unpleasant side effects.

What is Hookah Sickness

Hookah sickness refers to the temporary adverse health effects that can occur after smoking tobacco through a hookah water pipe. It is caused by inhaling high amounts of tobacco smoke during a hookah session.

The most common symptoms of hookah sickness include:

– Nausea and vomiting – Many people feel nauseous or throw up after smoking hookah. This is due to the nicotine and toxins inhaled.

Delayed headaches the next day are typical and caused by exposure to carbon monoxide and irritants in the smoke.

Heart problems – Hookah smoking increases heart rate and blood pressure. The tobacco and nicotine can increase risks of atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

A common side effect of hookah smoke is intestinal and stomach irritation, which can lead to cramping, diarrhea, and pain in the abdomen.

Hookah smoke inflames the lungs and throat, causing coughing, wheezing, and days-long pain.

Toxins in tobacco smoke accelerate fluid depletion, hence hookah smoking causes dehydration.

– Fatigue and lethargy – Numerous individuals experience significant weariness following hookah use as a result of inhaling substantial quantities of smoke within a brief timeframe.

how long can hookah sickness last

Have you ever smoked a hookah and then felt lightheaded, nauseated, or even like you wanted to throw up? “Hookah Sickness” is the aggregate term for these symptoms. Nobody would want to go through it again, I venture!

Lead poisoning is the primary cause of hookah illness. Does that sound familiar? Yes, the burning of hookah coals releases carbon monoxide, which is the cause. Oxygen deprivation results from this colorless, odorless gas attaching itself to hemoglobin in the blood to replace oxygen. Chest pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and other poisoning symptoms are also brought on by this.

That means you’re not alone if you like smoking hookah but detest the symptoms of poisoning! We are in agreement. We will thus discuss how to manage and prevent hookah illness in this blog, allowing you to continue enjoying hookah without having to worry about any unpleasant side effects.

Let’s take a closer look at the causes of Hookah Sickness:

Inhaling smoke from tobacco goods: Hookah pipes employ tobacco or products that contain nicotine, which is poisonous and addicting. As you smoke tobacco smoke, thousands of chemical compounds are released into your lungs along with carcinogens. Your lungs and airways eventually suffer from the prolonged exposure.

– Carbon monoxide exposure – Burning hookah charcoal releases a lot of carbon monoxide, which lowers your body’s blood’s capacity to distribute oxygen. Carbon monoxide poisoning and other symptoms may result from this exposure.

– Artificial flavors and sweeteners, heavy metals, and additives are frequently found in the tobacco and liquid used in hookahs. These substances are harmful to breathe in. Hookah illness is exacerbated by these additional toxins. Additionally, there are more carcinogenic chemicals due to the sweet flavorings.

How do you treat hookah poisoning?

So how should hookah poisoning be treated? The following techniques can be applied to provide relief and treatment. We have personally tested and tried all of these ways, and they are all quite effective.

1. We can open the windows to allow for airflow in order to remove carbon monoxide from the area.

2. For fluids and detox, drink lots of water.

3. Use over-the-counter painkillers to treat headaches, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

4. To soothe your stomach, eat crackers, peppermint, or ginger if you’re feeling sick.

5. Waiting until all symptoms have subsided before smoking a hookah again is the most important piece of advise.

In addition, we usually need to pay more attention to avoid Hookah Sickness

How to avoid hookah sickness?

Engage in smoking with restraint
Refrain from engaging in extended hookah sessions lasting longer than 1 hour consecutively. Engaging in periodic breaks enables your body to expel a portion of the inhaled smoke.

To limit smoke inhalation, it is advisable to inhale softly rather than deeply. Refrain from engaging in hookah tricks that entail breathing an increased amount of smoke.

Consider smoking hookah with non-tobacco molasses like herbal shisha to reduce exposure to nicotine and toxins.

Maintain proper hydration.
Ensure enough hydration by consuming ample amounts of water prior to, during, and subsequent to a hookah session. This process aids in the dispersion of harmful substances and mitigates the risk of desiccation resulting from inhalation.

Consume food prior to engaging in smoking.
It is advisable to always smoke hookah after having a complete meal. Consuming a meal serves as a preventive measure against the occurrence of nausea and dizziness resulting from hypoglycemia.

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